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Artigos FreeBSD da Digital Ocean em Português

Compartilhado por Patrick Tracanelli na FUG-BR (FreeBSD User Group do Brasil), que acredito ser de muita importância e de excelente leitura para aqueles que se interessam pelo sistema. Abaixo o texto e os links: Senhores, Compartilho com todos essa boa notícia. O Fernando Pimenta, um dos organizadores...

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FreeBSD participando do Google Summer of Code program.

Posted by gondim | Posted in FreeBSD, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 22-04-2013



O Google Summer of Code é uma iniciativa do Google em apoiar o software Open Source apoiando programadores à desenvolverem código nas suas férias de verão.  🙂 As instituições participantes ganharão até US$5.000,00 sendo US$500,00 por aluno orientado. É uma troca de conhecimento e incentivo.

O FreeBSD vem anunciar que estará partipando do evento e com muito orgulho.  🙂 Abaixo o anuncio oficial feito pelo Gavin:

Hi all,

FreeBSD is pleased to announce that once again we have been selected to 
participate in the Google Summer of Code program.  This gives University 
students the opportunity to earn a $5000 USD stipend in exchange for 
working on Open Source software over their Summer break.  Students have 
around 12 weeks to work on their project, and will be mentored by existing 
FreeBSD committers.  Participating organisations will earn $500 USD per 
student mentored.

FreeBSD's organisation page may be found at and a list 
of possible project ideas may be found at .  Please note that projects do not 
have to come from the ideas list, and indeed students are encouraged to 
produce their own project ideas - the majority of past projects have been 
thought up by the particpants themselves.

Students are also encouraged to visit to 
view more details of the program, including eligibility requirements, and 
a list of other participating organisations.



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