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Embora ainda não seja oficial, tudo indica que a versão 9.2-RC4 virou de fato a 9.2-RELEASE. Acredito que se não acontecer nada de absurdo, essa será sem dúvida a RELEASE final. O indício disso poderá ser visto por quem atualizar o releng/9.2 via SVN nesse momento, pois o arquivo que mostra a...

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Programação para lançamento do FreeBSD 9.1R

Postado por gondim | Categoria FreeBSD, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Dia 14-06-2012



Texto original do anúncio abaixo:

Just a quick note to say we have settled on a target schedule for the
FreeBSD 9.1 Release.  The schedule itself is here:

The highlights:

Code Freeze:	July 2nd, 2012
BETA1:		July 6th, 2012
RC1:		July 20th, 2012
RC2:		August 3rd, 2012
Release:	August 13th, 2012

Those are the target dates for when builds start.  The builds becoming
available is usually a few days afterwards (except for the final release
which is often times 4 days to a week after the builds start because
there is more prep work involved...).

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